Tuesday, June 26, 2007


I've been going insane since Friday packing up crap and throwing stuff away... it seems as though the "we're moving, must pack" factor is combining with the nesting instinct of late pregnancy to create the perfect storm of energy to get stuff OUT, NOW. We're even doing a yard sale (eek!) next Wednesday (Fourth of July). Maybe Thursday too. So not looking forward, but if it'll get stuff out of our apartment and maybe make a few bucks too, I'm willing to expend that much energy. Hopefully people buy our junk... one girl's trash is supposedly another old lady's treasure, right?
Besides that, I've been packing up the stuff we DO want to keep, but aren't using at this moment, into boxes (which I've run out of, must find more). And to top it all off, today is garbage day, we have 5 bags of garbage (FIVE!) already PLUS recycling, and I haven't even gone through the whole house yet.


Who knows, but it's not all coming with us to our pretty new house. I will make sure of it... single-handedly, if I must (and it seems as though that's how it's gonna be).

To Do Today:
  • Go through junk room's closet (the scariest part of the junk room, by far).
  • Go through miscellaneous appliances and pots/pans in bottom kitchen counters.
  • Go through all jewelry, untangle and organize accordingly, pack away jewelry box.
  • Throw away good amount of bottles/cannisters/etc. in bathroom. Pack the rest we want but don't need soon.
  • Pack kids' VHS movies, put others into sale box.
  • Vaccuum.
  • Sweep.
  • (Mop?).
  • Dust around top of rooms (eww, you should see some of the dust. I didn't notice...)
  • Junk drawers cleaned out (2 in kitchen).
  • Clean off top of refridgerator.

As well as making dinner, parenting, bathtimes, perhaps a nap! Doubtful though, I wanted one of those yesterday and worked right through Luke's naptime anyways. Duh.

Wish me luck... must go do some coffee!

1 comment:

sv said...

wow. good luck, superwoman.