Wednesday, July 11, 2007

16 days and counting....

Note to self, get off my ass and start packing our crap. Seriously, I was on a roll for a while, then Tim decided he's too cool to go get boxes so I ran out of steam. Not like he actually has to PACK anything... just get the fricking boxes. Ahem.

We went to the farmer's market today. You're jealous, I know. I got yellow and zucchini squash, and pretty cherries, and apples, one of which is about the size of a deer's heart (yeah, eww. Like you've never seen one. Come on.... well, that's what you get for living in the country your whole life, I guess). Today it is raining, hopefully it'll get cool enough to cook finally and I will make stuffed zucchini, zucchini bread and maybe some lasagna for dinners/lunches this week. I'm not sure what else to do with the rest of my squash, I'll probably just freeze what i don't use.

Today is my boy's birthday, he's two. Sniffle. I am sad about it, he's way too big already.

Look at how little... he was brand new...

Then, a picture of when he was one (what? 1 is the legal drinking age in any Irish family, didn't you know?) (And also, why is my husband's hairy leg in every picture of my son... hmm..):

And now he's like me... he's so old that he passes out on his birthday before he even gets the chance to drink.

Stinky head. Happy birthday Widgey-Widge, Mr. McSir and all the other stupid little names you don't care about now but will be pissed when I call you them in front of your friends. Ha!

1 comment:

pollyhyper said...

Happy Birthday, fellow 7-11 baby!!!