Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Flight of ideas is a symptom of SOMETHING.....

Right now I feel like yuck. I am sick. Headcolds are not fun when it's 80 degrees out. Also, I'm getting awfully sick of having a hard time walking. And what's wrong with me? Oh, my hips are uneven. I know, that sounds really stupid. And not like it should be excruciating. But it is, sometimes, and it ALWAYS hurts, and I'm tired of a.) hurting, b.) sounding like a whiner because of it. I wanted so bad to go to the farmer's market today, but it's up a bigass hill, and there's no way I would've made it without crying. Crying in public is just not my thing. The doctors say there's nothing they can do except take me off of work (because babies don't like medicine or chiropractors, which I'm kinda scared of anyways), which just makes me feel guilty because now we're poor and it's my fault. Which is why I wanted to go to the farmer's market. We need veggies, and they're pretty darned expensive at the dumb grocery store. Plus, I like the atmosphere.
I feel like I need to go do something productive, but like I said, I don't feel good so I'm lazy. I dragged the old mattress out into the living room because it was too hot to sleep in our room today, and the kids are having a "sleep over" on it now. I know the dishes need to be done before I collapse on the mattress. I don't WANNA. I wanna drink tea and eat popcorn and watch the Wizard of Oz with my babies. Or my monsters, as they're acting right now. Who are these small people, anyways, and why do they keep asking me for stuff and calling me "mommy"? I'm still 21, right?
I think I might need to get a life. But it sounds like a lot of work. Right now, my kids are fighting over about 10 pieces of giant Lego. There are 200 pieces in a big box in the bedroom. It just makes no sense at all.
I wanna sleep. Deep, uninterrupted sleep. For at least 8 hours. And wake up refreshed, not still tired for no reason. Is that really too much to ask?
I think I'm going to go wash dishes, then make some popcorn. And laze. Why are my kids still up, anyways?

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