So excited, so excited. I feel the urge to make beautiful things for the new house... it's too bad I didn't measure windows and stuff so I could do that while we're waiting to get in. I keep thinking of all the cool things I want to do to it. Must write them all down in a notebook lest the baby eats my brain and all of the ideas I have.
Also, another excitement... Lucien is getting a new bed (for free!). My sister-in-law's sister had a garage sale and Tim's mom mentioned I might want the bed for Luke. Yay! So we don't have to make yet another purchase, and he gets to get used to a bed before the baby comes and needs the crib. I just hope the kid stays in it. I'm a little nervous.. I think I'll try and set it up for him tonight, or tomorrow, just so he can get used to it for a couple of months before we move, and he's not having to get used to a new room AND a new bed. Poor little monkey.
Yay! I am happy today. What's for dinner?
Marvey likes to escape from his bed. Just tonight I almost tripped over since he decided to get out of his bed and sleep on the MUCH LESS COMFORTABLE floor. Darn red heads!
Congrats on the house!
They ARE crazy. He screamed and screamed, and he finally fell asleep, IN the bed (I don't think he's realized he can get OUT of it yet, I'm sure it'll happen though). However, he decided if I wouldn't come get him like a good momma, he was going to take off his diaper before he went to sleep and pee all over his blankets and his Ted (yep, the teddy bear is named Ted. When we make Ted fly, I say da-da-da! Super Ted! *Whoosh*.. and think of you. :) ). Good thing I checked on him at midnight, or he would've slept in peed blankies all night. Bum-head.
Yay! Congrats on the house!
YAY! Congrats! I just saw your post, but you know what-I had a dream last night that you got the house. You had everything packed up and ready to go in the car and you were holding the little one and chasing Brenda around your empty old place. She was having fun running around all the empty rooms in her underwear and you were having a heck of a time catching her. It was a weird dream, but I woke up all excited that you got the new house and were moving.
:D How weird and very cool! I just wish the apartment actually WAS empty and all of our crap WAS over there already. Argh. 57 days. I am counting.
Also... both of my kids LOVE to run around in their underwear. Clothes are for when we (well, they) go outside... duh.. :)
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