I got up early, washed Luke's blankets (again... I'm going to start duct-taping diapers onto him, I swear. Tim doesn't want me to), worked on the baby's blanket (pictured along with my ugly couch, not quite
I can't wait until we go see that house tomorrow. It isn't as chronically cute as the last one we saw, but it has a TON of character and I think it'll be fun fixing it up (it really doesn't seem to need a LOT of work, just... I don't know. The current owners aren't exactly interior decorators, at least that's what the pictures of the house tell me. Wallpaper borders of hunting scenes, eww.), and there's a whole lot of yard. We could put a fence up around some of the yard so the kids can play safely, behind that I can put in a garden, and then who knows what else. I always thought I'd be good at landscape design. We'll see, I guess.. I probably shouldn't get my hopes up about the house, anyways. I think I'm just so set on the idea of moving that I'd move into a cardboard box to get the hell away from our neighbors (it'd have to be a big box, though, what with two kids and one on the way....).
So, I have high hopes for my canning skills this year, but I think that what with the baby coming in October (actually probably September since my babies like to be early) that it would be nice to have some stuff put up for the fall/winter months. This is what I would like to get done this summer:
- Salsa (Mild, Chipoltle Lime which is hotter, and maybe fruit salsa but probably not)
- Spaghetti sauce (I don't have high hopes for this, though, because it tends to get eaten as soon as I make it)
- Jelly (I make a wicked juice jelly, which takes like two seconds and is so yummy. I am looking at white grape/raspberry, peach tea, apple, and orange jelly for flavors. I know my mom wants some cherry-berry tea jelly, too, so I'll probably get some of that done too)
- Apples (I'd like to do apples in syrup, cinnamon applesauce, and apple pie filling)
- Tomatoes (Diced, I use a lot of diced tomatoes... but tomatoes sound like a lot of work)
- Pickles (garlic dill spears, maybe some chips too, but not sure)
- Pumpkin butter (my favorite thing I ever canned)
Sounds ambitious, doesn't it? I'm sure only about half of it will get done, but I want to do it all. I love canning, as long as my kids let me just do it and don't sit and whine and try to climb me while I'm doing it. Or, you know, rub poop into my carpet while I'm doing dishes (which actually happened yesterday. NOT cool. They both got in trouble for that one, as Brenda just sat and watched him do it. Butts).
Going to get some stuff done, now. I can't wait until it starts raining (don't get me wrong, I love the sun... just not as much. Like I said, weird.)
Mmmm, jelly.... recipe?
Yes ma'am. Will be posting presently... since I was looking for a reason to take a break, anyways. :)
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